Home/Sinter Plant Equipment
  • Annular cooler is main equipment for the pelletizing and sintering process, it is common equipment in this industry. It is widely used for sinter and pellet cooling. There are two main functions: cooling high temperature oxidation pellet which discharged from kiln, to ensure the temperature low enough and satisfy to subsequent process; as the key point of thermal equilibrium for whole system, it recycles quantity of heat which is from high temperature pellet, and it used for previous process thereby reducing the fuel consumption.
  • Integer tristique dictum sapien et lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed sed imperdiet magna, at rhoncus arcu.
  • The traveling induration process is developed from the inspiration of traveling sintering machine process, which is a mature pellet production process.


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